Jeremy Roloff is 18 and half years old

I was reading a discussion yesterday about Matt Roloff answering screened questions on his official site.  It was a telephone interview. One of the questions was about Jeremy, he walked in and supposedly said he wants to answer questions about himself (of course he wasn’t asked about the elephant in the room – his appearance in the National Enquirer for using racist language and called a gay bashing bigot).

Anyhow – Jeremy’s statement about speaking for himself was interesting because, well, he hasn’t. Ever. Jeremy is famous for not answering anything. He didn’t even address the National Enquirer article himself. His dad did.

It got me thinking. Jeremy Roloff is not Jacob Roloff. He is not 11 years old. Imagine being almost 19 years old and still having your daddy speak for you – because you’re either afraid to or can’t without being a jerk and winding up in the National Enquirer.

In the past, I’ve seen friends of Jeremy Roloff attempt to defend Jeremy’s gay bashing terms or his mocking of gays. But never Jeremy himself. Even after Jeremy landed himself in the National Enquirer, again it is Daddy to the rescue.

Man, he’s going to be 19 years old in a few months. It’s about time to start speaking for himself and being accountable. I don’t know if Jeremy’s statement about answering for himself is a new change in direction or an isolated comment because  this telephone interview was through a screened moderator who is basically a Matt Roloff employee.

I wonder if he’s starting to feel some embarrassment over being as old as he is and still not speaking for himself and that’s why he said what he did in that “interview”.

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4 Responses to “Jeremy Roloff is 18 and half years old”

  1. valpm Says:

    He’s too stupid to speak for himself.

  2. Rick J Says:

    Very true, he carries himself more like a defenseless child than an 18 year adult. Can he do anything for himself?

  3. Sabra Says:

    Get off the kids back! Seriously, what is your deal?

  4. ashlee Says:

    i love you jeremy

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