Posts Tagged ‘Matt Roloff’

Everyones favorite reality tv show shirtless jerk and hypocrite, Jeremy Roloff is now 20

June 20, 2010

Jeremy Roloff is 20 years old now. He’s not been a teenager for over a month now. Let me assess where he is in life.

He is exactly where he was when he was 18 and for that matter, when he was 16, 14 12 and 10 years old.

Sad but true. A day in the life of Jeremy James Roloff is a lil bit of school and then he plays like a 10 year old.

I’m not being sarcastic either. At 20 that is Jeremy Roloff’s life. A little bit of community college and play time with friends. No job. Just free time everyday playing video games, making fires, going hiking, playing soccer (not competitively though because that would take work and when things get tough Jeremy quits). No job, just a slacker.

You can argue that LPBW is a job. He makes easy money. Very true. For that, something he gets paid and has full control of signing the contract, he takes on no responsibility. He has much responsibility as 13 year old brother Jacob Roloff.

Jeremy still completely ignores and insults his own  fans behind their backs (who btw I must say are the stupidest people in the world to like such a jerk who has been caught saying they “suck the unsuckable”).

That is where Jeremy Roloff is at age 20. Taking the easy way. Coasting on this free ride that daddy Matt Roloff has set up – sliding by at being lazy because his parents and Zach have dwarfism. Playing like a child without any work on his own because it’s easy and the selfish thing to do.

All that and combine that with his actions that have earned him a reputation for being racist gay bashing bigot and guy who insults his own fans that have enabled his lifestyle of lazy self-indulgence, a known hypocrite and liar. The only positive thing that anyone ever says about him or the only reason why he even has “fans” or anyone who doesn’t see him for what he really is, is people who think he’s “cute”. And that ain’t no accomplishment either.

That is how Jeremy James Roloff is at 20 years old.  A slacker that trots around trying to be shirtless eye candy. He can’t even successfully do that by showing any responsibility by supporting his “job” by creating some goodwill with the fans of he show.

At 20, he’s still not responsible enough in his parents or employer’s (Discovery TLC) eyes to speak for himself.

Jeremy Roloff always does what is easy and what is fun for Jeremy Roloff. That’s why Jeremy at 20 is sitting home in his messy room, relying on mommy to wake him up,  cook his breakfast (in absence of Amy, it’s a private cook) while he sits on the couch scratching himself and then ventures out to play with his playmate friends as though he was a wee little child.

20 year old Jeremy Roloff. Living at home in his room, with no job, scratching himself on the couch. This will be followed by Jeremy playing with his friends like a 10 year old.

Matt Roloff and TLC health scare and collapsing hoax

June 19, 2010

So those Christian Roloffs were at it again. Lying and tricking and deceiving people again in search of higher ratings. That ultimately means more money for themselves.

The Roloffs like to pretend that their show is about education. Seriously what they’ve taught me is that most Christians like the Roloffs deseparately lack morals, character, honesty and overall, they suck as people.

Do Christians like the Roloffs believe that Jesus Christ would sit back and laugh with them as they trick stupid people who trust them into getting all upset worrying whether Matt Roloff is ok? That’s an example of Christian values apparently.

I’m of course talking about the lowlife season finale of Little People Big World. For the entire episode Matt goes on and on about his death. Then in a laughable and lowlife scene, they end the season with Matt on the floor and Golden Boy Jeremy standing over him in monoton voice “Dad? Hey Dad?”

Then stupid people that believed the Roloffs when they say the show is real, rushed online to check if Matt had a heart attack and died.

For more details the Washington Post explains how TLC and the Roloffs played out the death angle

If you are still a concerned moron and haven’t heard, you were played for a fool by the Roloff family and TLC. Matt is fine and always has been. It was a little dizzy spell that happened over a year ago…well, that comes from Matt and one thing anyone should have learned by now is Roloffs lie a lot and do not tell the truth.

This site explains how Matt’s collapse scene happened over a year ago.

Do you get it? It was before everything you watched on the show for the past year. Before their around the world trip to Europe and Molly’s birthday and the tired old pumpkin season stuff. It was at the beginning of summer of 2009. That’s two thousand and NINE!.

The Roloffs and TLC then decide to play it out by leaving that to the very end as a cliff hanger after having the episode littered with Matt talking about dying.

Isn’t that nice and moral of the Roloffs? Lets lie and trick and deceive people into thinking Matt was in peril!

Also I’d make a bet that the scene was staged or re-staged. The Roloffs suck as actors and no way does any normal human being react like that to finding someone on the floor. I’m still ROFLMAO at Molly’s uber fake “Fatherrrrrrrrrrr?????????”

And poor golden boy Jer-bear. He can’t muster up any emotion for the staged scene. Maybe that’s why his once rumored modeling career never amounted to anything. I thought he was going to poke Matt with a stick to see if he was alive. LOL!

The great hoax that TLC and the Roloff pulled off as they’re getting more attention by tricking people into thinking Matt had a heart attack than they’ve had in years. All from a little dizzy spell?? What’s next? Jeremy gets a paper cut (I don’t know what from, he wouldn’t be near a book, he must have fun playing like a 10 year old!) and they make it look like he was stabbed? That will probably be the season 6 finale!

By the way Roloff Family and Faith Bible friends: the whole stunt into worrying stupid fans was even more deplorable considering poor old Mike Detjen did die of a heart attack. You guys think it’s so funny into tricking people and portraying something as serious when it’s not?

That’s what the Roloffs are about as Christians, they make Jesus Christ proud by doing as Jesus and sacrificing any morals they must have to do any trick and stunt and tasteless cliffhangers for tv ratings and attention. But hey the Roloffs are the people that have Jeremy saying N*gger and Fagg*t” and don’t even apologize or care. Thanks Roloffs for teaching me how to be Christ like…if that’s the way Christians live, I am very glad that I’m not a Chrisitan.

Christians need a lesson in morals, character, honesty, kindness and goodness.

A good Roloff blog

December 7, 2008

I found an interesting Roloff blog here with a lot of Jeremy Roloff news.

I have to say that picture of Sarah is really nice 🙂

Jeremy Roloff National Enquirer Racist and gay bashing comments

November 22, 2008

In my earlier post, vicky posted a comment. I decided to respond with a new post. Thank you for the comment, by the way, even though we disagree. You’re civil and I enjoyed reading your opinion.

Hi Vicky. I don’t think any of those friends of Jeremy are gay. If one is, they certainly aren’t “out”. It is a uber-Christian school and as you said there is the religious factor. I actually just a read an article about Amy Roloff supporting Focus on the Family. That says it all about their feelings on homsexuality.

I think you’re giving Jeremy far too much credit. I don’t think he’s accepting at all (or any of the Roloffs the more we learn about them) at people that are different from what they are and what they believe. I think TLC hides the extreme views of their reality family because they don’t want to alienate a segment of their audience.

Vicky, I have a guess that you think Jeremy would be accepting because of his image on the show and his experience with dwarfism and that difference? I think that’s why people in general have been disappointed about as they learned more about Jeremy Roloff. He should be more accepting because of his experience, but is not.

To that point, that’s why I don’t accept “he’s a teenager” as an excuse for him to say “fa*gg*t” and mock gay people. Jeremy as a teenager not only knows that “midget” is wrong and hurtful, but claims to actually confront people that use it. He made that statement (about the hurt the word “midget” causes) when he was 16.

Honestly Vicky, and you seem like a reasonable person, if Jeremy is old and mature enough to understand that people with dwarfism have feelings and deserve to be respected, not ridiculed, don’t you think Jeremy is old enough to know that the N word and F*ggot are not acceptable and it’s not nice to mock gay people just like he wouldn’t approve of people that mock his family members for having dwarfism?

Lastly Vicky, I don’t think it’s true that every teen says racist and homophobic things. But if Jeremy simply made a “mistake” that went on for many years and most likely is still going on, if he felt bad about what he said he would have simply apologized and said he learned his lesson and will stop. He didn’t do that. Jeremy didn’t even apologize. He didn’t say he was wrong. He didn’t explain at all.

I don’t think Jeremy is stupid. I think he knows “fagg*t” is insulting towards gay people and I think Jeremy knows that it’s nice to mock people for being different than he is. He did those things. He said those things. And even after it landed him in the National Enquirer as a “Bigot”, he didn’t even say he was sorry.

I don’t think anyone should let Jeremy Roloff off the hook for it when he didn’t even apologize or admit that he was wrong.

Jeremy Roloff is 18 and half years old

November 22, 2008

I was reading a discussion yesterday about Matt Roloff answering screened questions on his official site.  It was a telephone interview. One of the questions was about Jeremy, he walked in and supposedly said he wants to answer questions about himself (of course he wasn’t asked about the elephant in the room – his appearance in the National Enquirer for using racist language and called a gay bashing bigot).

Anyhow – Jeremy’s statement about speaking for himself was interesting because, well, he hasn’t. Ever. Jeremy is famous for not answering anything. He didn’t even address the National Enquirer article himself. His dad did.

It got me thinking. Jeremy Roloff is not Jacob Roloff. He is not 11 years old. Imagine being almost 19 years old and still having your daddy speak for you – because you’re either afraid to or can’t without being a jerk and winding up in the National Enquirer.

In the past, I’ve seen friends of Jeremy Roloff attempt to defend Jeremy’s gay bashing terms or his mocking of gays. But never Jeremy himself. Even after Jeremy landed himself in the National Enquirer, again it is Daddy to the rescue.

Man, he’s going to be 19 years old in a few months. It’s about time to start speaking for himself and being accountable. I don’t know if Jeremy’s statement about answering for himself is a new change in direction or an isolated comment because  this telephone interview was through a screened moderator who is basically a Matt Roloff employee.

I wonder if he’s starting to feel some embarrassment over being as old as he is and still not speaking for himself and that’s why he said what he did in that “interview”.